SolutionsWide is a technology company and business incubator. With access to development and operational resources, as well as a foundation of entrepreneurial training, we are able to assess ideas and confirm the viability of business models. This includes formulation of business plans, developing minimal viable products, and startup funding. By combining expertise with innovation, we are able to formulate plans and strategies that are effective and efficient. To get more information about our company and how it works, check out our blog.

Our Vision

To become an institution for building the most elite business ventures and producing the highest-quality members and alumni.


Brief History of Our Company

June, 2007

SolutionsWide is born as a marketing agency and web development shop.

February, 2008

Ventures are started by Khaled Azar to diversify revenue streams such as a security company (KnightPrivateSecurity.com) and OC Office Furniture (OCOfficeFurniture.com).

October, 2010

Michael Mendoza is brought on as a managing partner to start what is now Service Radius.

January, 2011

Khaled Azar sells his shares in the security company, and shuts down the furniture company to focus on agency work and the new home services call center with Michael.

April, 2011

SolutionsWide, Michael, and Khaled relocate to beautiful and sunny San Diego, California. Working out of their apartment, they spend long hours answering sales calls and building bootstrap business.

January, 2012

SolutionsWide stops all agency work, re-incorporates, and begins its makeover to become an incubator.

March, 2012

SolutionsWide launches eLocalBoost, a business directory submission service.

December, 2012

SolutionsWide moves to a larger work/live five-story building in Little Italy, San Diego, CA to make room for the growing call center.

December, 2012

AppKnowledge is started by SolutionsWide and silent partners.

January, 2013

Amilli is laid as an idea by Brett Keeler to be SolutionsWide’s latest venture.

August, 2013

OH! Juice is founded by Khaled Azar, Michael Mendoza, and Hanna Gregor. The passion for raw cold pressed organic juice is alive and thriving in San Diego.

April, 2014

The call center, now called Service Radius, is hatched out into its own corporation and Joe Duffy is brought on as CEO.

August, 2014

Brax is co-founded by Khaled Azar and Mark Simon to disrupt the native ads industry.

October, 2014

Service Radius eliminates its dependency on SalesForce and builds its own internal custom order management system called Salerity.

February, 2015

OH! Juice is hatched from the SolutionsWide incubator, relying on little to no assistance, and is on its way to becoming self-sufficient.

March, 2015

Work and living are split when SolutionsWide moves to Suite 400 on Front St, still in Little Italy SD CA.

April, 2015

Plans to make Salerity an external software for Telecom retailers are plotted and another SolutionsWide venture is born.

May, 2015

AppKnowledge is sold to one of the silent partners and hatched from the SolutionsWide incubator.