Khaled Azar
With over 14 years of experience in technology and entrepreneurship, Khaled has consulted for a wide spectrum of entities, everything from individuals to large corporations.
Mike Mendoza
Michael joined SolutionsWide team in 2010 bringing in innovative ideas, a strong work ethic, and dedication to his team members.
Brett Keeler
Chief Product Officer
A Master of paid search, SEO, downloads, monetization, and everything in between, the culmination have taught him to be extremely effective and perform in many diverse roles.
Jack Gersten
Head Software Developer
Jack is the Lead Software Developer for SolutionsWide. Jack attended UC San Diego, and by the time he was done, had acquired 3 associate’s degrees, a bachelor’s degree in computer science, and a minor in economics.
Michelle Tacawy
Director of Business Development
Michelle is submerged in the many facets of the digital marketing ecosystem including lead generation, affiliate marketing, paid search, and software distribution/monetization.
Mark Simon
Senior Product Manager
Mark Simon started his digital marketing career in web analytics with WebSideStory (acquired by Omniture).
Ryan Fritz
Senior Product Manager
Ryan has a strong background in Business Intelligence and uses his data driven focus to help manage products at SolutionsWide.
Angela Gifford
As the company Bookkeeper since April 2014, Angela has been responsible for tracking the day to day financial transactions.
Cory Bruno
Marketing and Writing Associate
Cory is a creative and perceptive Marketing and Writing Associate who fills a vital role here at SolutionsWide.
Operations Lead
Drawn to the entrepreneurial culture of SolutionsWide, Tony looks for ways to increase the productivity of its people.
Efren Carrillo
Creative Director
Anthony Cannata
Business Development Manager
Anthony has been with SolutionsWide since January of 2013, diligently working his way up to Business Development Manager.
James Reynolds
Marketing Associate
James has been with SolutionsWide since June of 2014. He coordinates and runs the trafficking for several of SolutionsWide's websites.